

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!!

Just five more days and you will have a nice, long break :)

As we discussed Friday, you have the class period to finish writing your Performance Task. Once you are finished, make sure your name is on your paper and turn it in to the basket!

Once you are done you may:

-Study for the final in this class/another class
-Get caught up on assignments for this class
-Please make sure you have something to do!

Quick announcements:

-If you are missing a page of the Major Works sheet....IT'S OK! Grab one today and have your data sheet turned in by WEDNESDAY.

-My individuals who went on the retreat...I did not realize that having you submit your Literary Analysis on Tuesday only gave you three days. No, I was not trying to be unfair. With that, those who went on the retreat may have until Wednesday to complete their Lit. Analysis.

-Turn in Latin Roots #7 on Wednesday!




Good morning ladies and gents!

Today, we begin our Performance Task...

You will need: 

-binder paper (if you need some, check the period baskets in the back)
-Leopard Man article and responses/notes
-Identity poem/responses

This is an assessment, so there should not be talking. If you need help with your essay, please do not hesitate to ask!! I am more than happy to read over paragraphs/analysis as you move through writing the essay.

It is OK if you do not finish today, you will have Monday in class to finish as well.

CELLPHONES: I will allow you to listen to music while you work on the task. HOWEVER, phones stay off your desk please.


You have this weekend to complete your Literary Analysis response- you will be writing about the JOY LUCK CLUB. Please choose from the list of prompts and refer to the rubric to guide your response.

DUE: Literary Analysis is due Monday, 12/15 along with your Major Works Data Sheets.

Submit a paper copy or turn in on blog?

Reminders: bring your JLC books Monday so I can take them back to the library! Also, Monday is your last chance to turn in extra credit!


Ugly Sweater Thursday!

Good morning!!

Here is today's agenda:

1. Identity Warm Up (please complete in your notebooks, NO you do not need to write the prompt)
2. Poem Reading
3. Shoulder Partner Read/ Questions
4. Discuss responses to "Identity"

Homework: to prepare for your in class essay tomorrow, please outline/write your thesis statement for your essay. 

         -You will be allowed to use the book, a copy of the poem, and          your Leopard Man article/responses to the questions during              the task.
         -You must be able to support/refute your position with TEXT          evidence that is logical and demonstrates a connection the                 point you are making.
         -Include page numbers/lines in your citations!


The final study guide and performance task prompt are posted in your Course Documents!

We will pass back graded work on Monday.



Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Here is what we have going today:

1. Warm up: in the article, Feys says "be psychologically free enough and strong enough to live independently, leaving society and entering society on no one's terms but your own."

               In your notebooks, explain what you think he means by this statement. How can you apply this advice to your own lives? (BE PREPARED TO SHARE)

2. Leopard Man-second read (groups)
3. Discuss responses


1. Complete the Leopard Man questions on your blog by midnight tomorrow.
2. PLEASE PRINT a copy of the "Identity" poem for TOMORROW, located in Course Docs.


Kassandra (per.2)
Ulises (per.3)



Good morning!!

Today we will continue with Leopard Man, please take out your article when you come into class.


1. Announcements
                      The following students need to come in at lunch today to make up assignments.
                                Period 2: Edgar and Crystal
                                Period 3: Dylan Sandoval

Also, I will have your Lit. Analysis prompts and rubric for you by Thursday!

2. Review Performance Task Question
3. Warm up (please respond to the following question in your notebooks:
              -If you could spend the rest of your life isolated from society, where would you live? What PERSONAL societal pressures would you be free from?

4. Preview Leopard Man response questions
5. First Reading

HW: Respond to questions 9-15 on your blog by Thursday, 11:59 p.m. Questions are located in Course Docs in the Leopard Man folder.


Minimum Monday

Good morning Honors English!

Here is what we have going today:

1. Warm up: Discuss weekend survey HW
2. Pre-reading activity
3. Discussion Questions

HW: Respond to the two questions located in Course Docs in the Leopard Man folder under "LM 12/8 Questions."

NOTE: Your Performance Task is this Friday and the following Monday, this is an in-class essay that will be counted in the gradebook.

Also, I will have your final study guide posted on Tuesday of this week.


Congratulations, you have been selected to complete a survey on your teacher. There are 35 questions total.

Please read each question carefully and select the appropriate response, there is no right or wrong answer.

NO ONE at this school (INCLUDING ME) will look at your responses, this is an anonymous survey.

When you are finished, place survey in the envelope and seal it before turning it in.





Today we are going to be finishing up CFA testing. For those of you who are already finished, you may get started on your homework for this weekend, read silently, or complete work from another class.


We will resume our Leopard Man Unit on Monday.

HW: Print two copies of the article and complete Survey HW (the assignment, article link, and instructions are posted under Course Docs on your blog)

NOTES: Monday is a minimum day, please be timely to class so we can get through our work!

Latin Roots #7: this is not due this week. I will collect your Latin Roots worksheets on MONDAY, 12/15. These words/roots will be on your FINAL.

Lit Analysis: I will assign this as homework to be posted to your blog next weekend, that means I will collect your data sheets MONDAY, 12/15. Yay or nay?

PERIOD 3: LUIS AND STEPHANIE....see me today at lunch for the Antigone test make up please!!



Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Today, the testing "fun" continues.

Please take out a separate sheet of binder paper, pencil, and a textbook. We will start by having you complete the short response. I am hoping this would not take more than 20-25 minutes as we need to start the CFA the last half of the period.

REMINDERS: Diction Worksheets are due tomorrow (either on your blog or submitted in your basket).

Also, if you have a reading log that you need to submit do so by tomorrow; you will be docked two points. I do not recommend not turning it in.


Crystal C. and Edgar J. please come in today at lunch to begin the Antigone test.


Luis, please come in today at lunch to complete the Antigone test.


Good morning!

Today is test day, please sit down so we can get started.

Reminder: Diction Handouts are due Friday

Also, we will start the Common Formative Assessment tomorrow as well. Sorry for all the testing this week :(



Good morning!!


Here is what we have going today:

1. Warm up Journal
2. Conformist vs. Nonconformist (definition/characteristics)
3. Celebrity Judging
4. Pending time: start outlining for short response.

HW: STUDY for the Antigone test (which is tomorrow)

NOTE: Your Performance Tasks will consist of an essay in which you write about the choices made by Antigone, Leopard Man, as well as going over a short poem. THESE WILL BE INCLUDED IN YOUR GRADES.


Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and were able to get some rest. Today, we are going to be moving right into our next unit, Leopard Man. 

For those of you wanting to submit your JLC reading logs for extra credit today, please submit them before you leave class.

Here is what we have going on today:

1. Warm up journal
2. Small Group Discussion RE Journal Responses
3. Class Discussion
4. Introduction video: Leopard Man

NOTES: Latin Roots #7 will be posted to your Course Docs today.
HW: Diction Handouts (both worksheets); they are posted in your Course Docs and are due FRIDAY!

At this point, your Lit. Analysis and Latin Roots #7 words will be included on your final for this class.

QUESTIONS: Where are you in your JLC reading?


Also, Thursday and Friday we will be working on the Common Formative Assessments.

Video Link:

PERIOD 3: Juan R. and Stephanie T.: Please turn in your diction warm ups to the basket today!


Post Turkey Day

Hello all!

Hope you all enjoyed the feasting and festivities of Turkey Day :)

I just finished running through your blogs and was happy to see that many of you took advantage of the opportunity to get caught up on your posts.

I am entering grades into AERIES today and will have them printed off for classroom display at the beginning of next week.

As a friendly reminder, I posted your Antigone study guide under course documents, please take advantage of this before the test this coming Wednesday. Email me with any questions/concerns, and enjoy the rest of your break!

One last thing....

Once again, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

I posted the Antigone study guide under course documents on your blog, please email me with any questions over the break.

I will also have updated grades available after the break, keep up the good work.




Here is the grand plan for today:

1. Warm up: Antigone vocab pre-test
2. Civil Disobedience Discussion
3. Independent Work may pick from the following choices
4. Mad Libs and Cookies!

REMINDER: Have your late/missing assignments turned in today!

HW: JLC Reading and Log, review for Antigone test, EAT,SLEEP, and have a GREAT BREAK :)



Good day!

Here is what we have going:

1. Warm up: Diction #5
2. Finish Antigone
3. Start Critical Thinking Questions, pg. 858

HW: JLC Day 12, Critical Thinking Questions, pg 858 1-3

REMINDER: Please have late work and blogs updated by tomorrow!



Good morning!!

Please turn in your flip charts and Joy Luck Club reading logs to your basket before the bell.

1. Warm up: Diction #4-Broke the Surface
2. Antigone, Scenes 3-5

HW: JLC Day 11,



Good morning!

Here is today's plan of attack:

1. Warm up: Diction #3
2. Latin Roots Quiz #6
3. Time to work on flip chart/JLC


HW: JLC Reading

*For those of you with missing work, please get it in by FRIDAY!!*
Reading Logs Due tomorrow!

I will update grades over the break and have them printed off for you when you return!


Shortened Monday

Good morning everyone! I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. One more week and then you will have a much deserved break!

Today's Agenda:

*Hold on to your homework from Friday, I would like to discuss it if there is time. Either way, please turn it in before you leave today!*

1. Warm up: Diction #2
2. Latin Roots Quiz #6 (POST  PONED DUE TO TIME)

HW: JLC Day 9, Read pages 790-798 of Antigone tonight!!



Good morning! Just six more days until Thanksgiving Break, keep working hard :)

Here is what we have going today:

1. Warm up: Selection Support Handouts pgs. 189-190 (we will get back to Diction Monday)
2. Finish Antigone, Prologue Scene 2
3. Selection Support Handouts, pgs.191-192

HW: JLC Day 8, finish selection support handouts, complete AERIES login if needed

NOTE: There are several of you that have not logged on to the AERIES Portal. The instructions for doing so are posted in your course documents. COMPLETE THIS BY MONDAY. A helpful hint...when changing your password make sure it is something you can remember!

The following students need to log in:

Period 2:


Period 3:


REMINDERS: Post Latin Roots #6 to blog by Monday. Quiz on Monday!
                         Also, Monday is a minimum day!


Lit Analysis Directions

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

Hope you all had a good day in class-I will be back tomorrow!

I just wanted to drop in and clarify the directions for the Lit Analysis blog assignment.

DIRECTIONS: Please post your response to the last lit exam....what you wrote on the paper I handed back to you with your grade. Include the book title and author!!!!!

Since some of you did write extensive summaries, I would suggest making them more brief.

AT THE MINIMUM...your post needs to include the summary, your analysis of theme, character information, and your connections to the book.

I hope this helps and that I did not confuse you further, please email me with any questions as I WILL check my mail :)



Good morning and welcome back!

Today's Agenda:

1. Warm up: Diction #1
2. Antigone Flip Chart Assignment
3. Collect Reading Log #1, pass out new
4. Read Prologue-Scene 2

HW: Post Lit Analysis by Friday and respond to two classmates
         JLC Day 6

REMINDER: Latin Roots #6 quiz is MONDAY! Please post Latin Roots #6 to blogs by that day!


A friendly reminder....

Ladies and gentlemen,

I just finished going through your blogs to make sure your Antigone Quick Writes and Greek Drama questions had been posted as specified.

Some of you have not posted in a long while, and some of you have not bothered to post the latest assignments.

While the blogs may be tedious, they are how you earn a large part of your participation grade in this class. Remember on the syllabus I issued last week, 10% of your grade now comes from participation and BLOGS are included in that category. 

Sooooooo....for those of you who are behind on your blogging, please use this week to get caught up as I will be checking the blogs again Friday.

REMINDER: Latin Roots #6 Quiz is this Friday, Latin Roots #6 worksheet needs to be posted to your blogs by FRIDAY :) 

Peace out, see ya Wednesday! 


Weekend Announcement

Good afternoon honors students!

I hope you all are enjoying your four-day weekend, watching some football and doing your blog posts of course :)

I just finished grading your most recent literary analysis exam, I will pass these back Wednesday so that you may post them to your blogs and respond to your classmates; details to follow.

Along these lines, there are quite a few students in both second and third period who have not turned in their most recent Major Works Data Sheets. If you did not turn it in, bring it and submit it to the basket WEDNESDAY.

Please remember that your first reading logs for JLC will be collected on Wednesday and you will be issued a new log, this means you need to read your pages for JLC on Monday and Tuesday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see you all Wednesday!

PS: Go Packers!!



Good morning! After today, you are free for 4 days!

Here is what we have going for today:

1. Diction Powerpoint- take notes

2. Greek Drama Handout
      -Preview HW questions

3. Mah Jong Presentation (period.3)

HW: Greek Drama Questions (post to blogs by Sunday, 11:59 p.m.)
         JLC Day 3

  No school Monday and Tuesday
                    Antigone Quick writes are due on your blogs tonight!



Today's Agenda:

1. Warm up: review anticipation guide/debate
2. Antigone PowerPoint
3. Introduce Essay Prompt

      -Read pgs. 768-769 in textbook
      -Antigone Quick Write
      - JLC Day 2



Good morning!!

The low down for today's class:

1. Pick up JLC books from the library
2. JLC Powerpoint
3. Distribute Reading Logs, assign JLC reading schedule
       *These will be collected weekly, your first log is due 11/12/14
       *Please read 19 pages nightly

HW: Antigone Anticipation Guide

Reminder: grab a new major works sheet before leaving today!


Tuesday Agenda

Good morning!

Here's whats on tap for today:

1. Introductions!
2. TP Activity
3. Seat Change
4. Review Syllabus


-Complete "Who I am" worksheet. DUE 11/5/14
-Have parents sign syllabus, return back page. DUE 11/5/14


-Latin Roots #6 Quiz 11/14/14

-Your next Literary Analysis is 12/8/14!!

-Bring ID cards for the Library tomorrow.


Literary Analysis #3

Directions: You have the class period to answer the prompt completely. Your responses will indicate who has been keeping up with reading. Complete on a separate sheet of binder paper :)

Part 1: Briefly summarize the plot of the novel you read according to the elements of plot you've learned in past courses (exposition, rising action, etc.). Include the ending.
Part 2: Succinctly describe the main theme of the novel. Avoid cliches. 
Why did your author choose to write about this topic, person or event?
Part 3: Is the protagonist static or dynamic?  Flat or round?  Explain.
Who is another major character and why are they important to the novel?
Part 4: Choose one significant symbol, motif or metaphor from your novel. How that symbol functions in the work? What does it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole? 
Part 5: Why did you choose this book?  What about the book appealed to you the first time it came to your attention (and how did it come to your attention)?  What about the book made you want to keep reading once you began?
Part 6. Make connections between people/events you read about and people/events in your own life?  
Part 7: Describe at least one idea from this book that you expect to remember for a long time.  Explain your choices and their importance.  Share at least one passage to give your reader a taste of the same effect.


Looking forward to tomorrow

Good afternoon Honors students!

Miss Sewell here...just wanted to drop in and say that I am excited for our first day tomorrow.

You will spend class time tomorrow working on your literary analysis exam, we will have time for introductions on Tuesday.

Another note, the name of the blog and the URL will be changed this week.

Get some rest, prepare for your exam, and I will see you all tomorrow! :)


Reminder: Literature Analysis #1 Timed Write is on Monday

  • Make sure to finish your entire book prior to Monday's class period.
  • Your data sheet is due as well(and will help you immensely during the timed write).


Goosebumps and Halloween

Halloween celebration in 361 tomorrow. Dress up! I will.  Bring food/drinks/candy to share. 
Also, reply to this post with your vote for Goosebumps episode.


Safran Foer's Eating Animals Excerpt

...Is available in course documents.

"A Case for Eating Dogs"

  • JOURNAL: Today we will be reading an excerpt entitled, "A Case for Eating Dogs." Respond to the following questions in your journal:
  • Eating dogs is considered a taboo in the United States. What might be Safran Foer's motivation for giving this title to this excerpt.
  •  Based on the title, do you expect the tone and content of this excerpt to be? 
  • Given what you know about the author's background, can we trust what he has to say on the topic?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think something as essential as what we put in our bodies is so often disregarded or not thought through carefully?
  2. We have so many food choices available now. In your opinion, is this a good or bad thing?
  3. What did you find most shocking about "A Case for Eating Dogs"? Does Foer make a valid argument?
  4. Do you agree with what Foer cites from Animal Farm that "some animals are created more equal than others? Why or why not?
  5. Why do you think other cultures are more open to eating dogs? 
1. Latin Roots 1-5 Final Tomorrow! Study, yo.
2. Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment due Thursday, 10/29, by 11:59 pm.
3. Lit. Analysis #2, you've heard of it, right? Due next Monday.


Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

  1. After watching the video, complete a write-up that includes the following:
    1. Category (Persuasive, Courageous, Ingenious, Fascinating, Inspiring, Beautiful, Funny, informative)
    2. Name of the Presenter
    3. Title of the Video: Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
    4. Date Accessed: October 28, 2014
    5. A 50-word summary of the content of the video
    6. Descriptions of three stand-out moments from the video, and why you chose them.
      1. These are moments you found important, moving, educational, inspiring, or important.
      2. Each description must be between 50-75 words long.  (So a total of three 50-75 word descriptions)
  2. Explain in 50-75 words how this presentation can relate to your life.

This write-up is will be due on your blog by Wednesday, 10/29, by 11:59 pm.
Failure to adhere to this format and/or careless spelling and grammar errors will result in reduced credit for the assignment.


In Ch. 2, All or Nothing or Something Else, Jonathan Safran Foer makes a case for eating dogs. After reading this selection, what was your reaction.

In about 300 words, make your own case in support eating dogs or make a case against eating dogs. If you make a case in favor of eating dogs, cite textual evidence from the text that supports your argument. If you argue against eating dogs, cite textual evidence to support your case.

Here's Safran Foer's 2013 Webinar:


October 28 (Live Author Chat: Jonathan Safran Foer)

Remember when I mentioned we were going to get to have a live video chat with an author? Yes, that's actually happening tomorrow, 10/28! 

To give you a preview of what's to come, check out the flyer for the event:

Critically acclaimed author Jonathan Safran Foer will once again visit classrooms around the world in October as part of Farm Forward's educational outreach program. Foer will meet with thousands of high school and college students onTuesday, October 28 to discuss the issues raised in his international bestseller Eating Animals. Through eight webinar sessions, provided free of charge by Farm Forward, Foer will lead discussions with students on pressing problems in today's food industry, including issues like animal welfare, environmental degradation, avian influenza, ag-gag, the plight of farmers, and more.
Here's Jonathan Safran Foer:
Foer currently teaches creative writing at New York University.
Here's bio. info courtesy of Wikipedia:
(born February 21, 1977) is an American writer. He is best known for his novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002) andExtremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005). In 2009, he published a work of nonfiction titled Eating Animals.[1] 

Here's trailers for his books that have been made into movies:
Everything is Illuminated

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

So, come to class with an open mind, a curious nature, and something to snack on. Get pumped and see you in the morning.

October 27th


1. Digitize CFA Results. Click on the following link to get started:

2. Yes, you are guinea pigs

1.  Latin Words/Roots Final Thursday! Study Up.
2. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 


October 23rd


 1. No Journal. Antigone Quiz (Prologue-Scene 2)
2. Review AP Writing Tips "Presentations"
3. Discuss Antigone, Scene 1-2

1.  Latin Words/Roots #5 due tomorrow! There will be a quiz!
3. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 


October 22nd

JOURNAL: [today's tunes: "And the Waltz Goes On" by Andre Rieu]
Write about a time that you were brave, took a risk, or did something outside of your comfort zone. 

 1. JOURNAL / Discussion
2. AP Writing Tips "Presentations"
3. Discuss Antigone, Scene 1

1. Read Antigone, Scene 2 and complete Study Guide Questions for tomorrow's class discussion
2. Latin Words/Roots #5 due Friday, October 24th. 
3. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 

October 16th (Guest Instructor)

JOURNAL: [no journal]

I have literally been staring at a computer for six of the last seven I'm going to make this short and sweet: Use today (Thursday) as a chance to catch up. I was unaware of the PSAT yesterday (hopefuly it wasn't too painful and gave you a good idea of what you're in for), so obviously your peers might be in different places of their reading/understanding of Antigone. But needless to say, you could use 45 minutes to get work done. So, 

 1. Individual work time: Work on what you find most valuable: Antigone Scene 1 (Reading or Study Questions), Greek Theater Scavenger Hunt due Friday, October 17th, latin roots #5; literature analysis #2; your blogs, etc.
2. Feel free to email me/comment to this post if you have any questions at all.
3. Despite the rumors of my demise, I will be back tomorrow (Friday). 
Yoda and Mr. Ostini say, "May the Force be with you."

1. Finish Prologue/ Scene 1/ Greek Theater Scavenger Hunt Questions for Friday's Quiz/Class Discussion
2. Latin Words/Roots #5 due Friday, October 24th. 
3. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 

October 15th (Guest Instructor Today)

Sorry to be absent again--I will be on campus if you need me, just respond to this form/email any questions at all-
Happy acting!

Antigone Thespian Troupes:
  • A = Antigone and Haemon, 
  • B = Creon and Ismene, 
  • C = Chorus, Teiresias, and Eurydice, and 
  • D = Choragos, Sentry, and Messenger.
  1. Spread throughout the classroom and into the halls
  2. Read/perform the play in your groups (Scene 1: Pages 819-825)
  3. Once you finish the scene, complete the Scene 1 study questions to review

1. Finish Scene 1 Study Questions for Friday's Quiz/Class Discussion
2. Greek Theater Scavenger Hunt due Friday, October 17th.
3. Latin Words/Roots #5 due Friday, October 24th. 
4. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 


October 14th (Guest Instructor Today)


Antigone Thespian Troupes:
  • A = Antigone and Haemon, 
  • B = Creon and Ismene, 
  • C = Chorus, Teiresias, and Eurydice, and 
  • D = Choragos, Sentry, and Messenger.
  1. Spread throughout the classroom and into the halls
  2. Read/perform the play in your groups (Prologue: Pages 815-819)
  3. Once you finish the scene, complete the Prologue study questions to review

1. Finish Prologue Study Questions for tomorrow's class discussion
2. Greek Theater Scavenger Hunt due Friday, October 17th.
3. Latin Words/Roots #5 due Friday, October 24th. 
4. Lit. Analysis #2 due Sunday, November 2nd by 11:59pm. 

October 13th / Greek Theater Background

No Journal:

1. Greek Theater Background: Antigone and Origins of Tragedy
2. Antigone Thespian Troupes / Guest Tomorrow

1. Greek Theater Scavenger Hunt due Friday, October 17th.
2. Latin Words/Roots #5 due Friday, October 24th. 
2. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm. 
If you're feeling uninspired to get reading, you're not alone: The much-delayed war on procrastination

Words from Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives

  1. cent(i)
  2. cid(e)
  3. clam, claim
  4. cord, cour
Word List
  1. bicentennial
  2. centenarian
  3. centurion
  4. clamorous
  5. concise
  6. concordance
  7. cordial
  8. discordant
  9. genocide
  10. incisive
  11. proclamation
  12. reclaim

Reminder: Work packet in Course Documents. Post to your blog, add definitions and sentences for each word. Due 10/24 ever'body.


October 10th

1. Know Your Roots (aka Study Time)
2. Latin Roots and Words Quiz #4

1. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm. Make sure to pick up a data sheet and track as you go.


October 9th


2. Oedipus Rex Reenactment

1. Latin Words/Roots #4 due tomorrow, October 1oth. There will be a quiz, as always.
2. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm. Giit Goin'!


October 8th


2. Hero's Journey and Archetypes Applied: A New Hope

1. Latin Words/Roots #4 due Friday, October 1oth. 
2. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm.