
TGIF charming English students!

Please take out your tablets and go to the class blog home page.

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Discuss Ch.12 journals

2. Weekend assignment/essay packet

3. Read/analyze article #1, fill out organizer

HW: Using the three sources you already have, please format a rough draft Works Cited page (you will add your fourth source before final submission).

Typed and printed, DUE MONDAY (email it to me if you have printer issues)


Good morning English tribe!

Here is the agenda for today:


HW: Please post your final journal (for Chapter 12) to your blogs by tomorrow, we will discuss responses to the end of the novel in class. Journal prompt is located under Course Docs>LOTF>Journal prompts

REMINDER: LOTF symbol tracking, civilized/uncivilized charts, and LOTF vocabulary is all due TOMORROW. Please make sure all of these items are complete, staple them together in this order:

-Journals, vocabulary, symbol tracking, and your civilized/uncivilized chart-

For every day it is late, you will lose five points off your grade. This will include weekend days. 


Hello Honor's English students!

I am sorry that I could not be here today... a friendly reminder to use your tablets appropriately and GET YOUR WORK DONE

-Once you have completed your assigned reading for LOTF Ch.11, please respond to the following questions on your individual blogs! Whatever you do not finish in class becomes homework!!


1. What does Ralph's group decide they must do?
2. In what ways are the twins "seeing Ralph for the first time" before going to Castle Rock?
3. Why is the boy's attempt to get back Piggy's specs and get the other boys to maintain a signal fire bound to fail?
4. Why do you think Roger pushes the rock off the cliff?
5. How is the destruction of the conch symbolically significant?
6. For most of the boys, what are the reasons they want a chief? What does a chief do for them?
7. Come up with two ORIGINAL questions you would ask Jack if you could.
8. In a minimum of two solid paragraphs, write a diary entry on the state of the island and the boys at this point in the book.

REMINDER: bring blankets and pillows tomorrow for our "read in" day.
Good morning! 

Please take out your tablets and go to the blog home page.

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Citation Warm up

2. Review Chapter 10 questions (please go to your individual blogs and pull up your responses)

3. Ch. 8-10 Review.....go to Kahoot It website!

HW: Please respond to the Chapter 10 journal for LOTF


- ALL LOTF journals, vocabulary, and symbol tracking are DUE FRIDAY
-I will be out tomorrow, bring your tablets and check the class blogs for tomorrow's plan/activities
- in day?


Hello Honor's students!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: follow the link below and respond to the following questions-

Write your reaction to the death of Simon. How did it make you feel? Who is most to blame? Why didn't Ralph try to stop it?

*Directions: double click on the wall to add your post it, include your name on your response*

2. Chapter 10- the shell and the glasses (you will need your symbol tracking sheets for this and your tablets) 

Directions: working in partners, you will read the first half of Lord of the Flies, Chapter 10 (6 pages). Preview the Common Core questions (located in Course Docs>Lord of the Flies> Ch.10 questions). Read the chapter together.

You may start answering the questions as you read, POST TO YOUR BLOGS. Follow the directions  carefully-cite evidence and answer thoroughly.

HW: Finish Ch. 10 and the corresponding questions over the weekend. I will check your blogs TUESDAY.


Good morning!

Please take out your tablets and fire them up

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Tablet Check/Reset/Microsoft Accounts


2. Warm up: text citations

Using your tablets go to the following link:

You will be writing the correct in-text citations on a post it.

3. LOTF Chapter 9- A View to a Death

HW: Complete the Who's to Blame worksheet/pie chart tonight for homework. Located in Course Docs>LOTF.




Here is the agenda:

1. Turn in theme HW

2. Tablets/set up

HW: Use your tablets to look up the definitions for Chapters 9 and 10 for LOTF

I would encourage you to play around with your tablet tonight, do your settings, READ THE PAMPHLET and remember to TURN IT OFF AND CHARGE IT ALL NIGHT!!!


Happy Minimum Monday!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: Chapter 8 Journal

2. Independent Work Time

-Missing assignments
-Theme worksheet
-Symbol Tracking
-LOTF vocabulary



Happy Friday!!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Finish Chapter 8

2. Cookie Island Activity

HW: Theme/Quote analysis worksheet DUE 5/19!!

Planning ahead: since I will not see all of you Monday, make sure you complete the Chapter 8 journal and catch up on your symbol tracking sheet (pig's head) and the civilized/uncivilized chart. Remember, you are turning all of those items in at the end of the novel. 


Good morning Honor's students!

Please submit your MLA papers to the basket.

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: In-text citations

2. Read Chapter 8!!

HW: Chapter 8 vocabulary and most importantly....REST UP for tomorrow!


Good morning!

Please place your HLR responses in the basket BEFORE THE BELL.

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm Up: Chapter 7 Journal

2. MLA Formatting and Citations

HW: Tonight on your own computer, you will practice formatting a paper according to MLA. You only need to print TWO pages of the mock essay. Remember, you need to format:

-the heading (name, date, class, etc)
-the header and page number
-correct spacing
-include a title

DUE: Wednesday


Good morning!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: Chapter 6 Journal

2. Read Chapter 7 LOTF

3. Quotes Analysis

HW: Complete the HLR half page quick write, chapter 7 vocabulary




Here is the agenda for today:

1. Finish Chapter 6/Discuss

2. Pop Quiz!

HW: Complete the Chapter 6 review questions


Good morning! 

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: Civilized and Uncivilized chart

2. Symbolism Posters

Period 2: Six groups of four and ONE group of three

Period 3: Nine groups of four

HW: Chapter 6 vocabulary


Quiz Make ups: Sienna, Luis C, and Lizeth


Happy Hump Day!!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: Chapter 5 Journal

2. Review Maslow worksheet and submit

3. Chapter 5 questions/small group discussion

HW: Complete Chapter 5 vocabulary....make sure you are staying on top of your symbols chart. We will be doing an activity with that tomorrow!


Good morning Honors English students!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: review 'Painted Faces/Long Hair' worksheet/submit

2. Maslow's Hierarchy

3. Start Chapter 5

HW: Finish chapter 5, complete the vocabulary for that chapter


-Ptask missing packets
-LOTF quiz make ups


Good morning and happy minimum Monday!

Please turn in your setting maps before the bell!!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Warm up: Post Chapter 4 Journal

2. Painted Faces and Long Hair worksheet

3. Pass back papers/quizzes

-Your quiz grades will be entered into AERIES once all make up quizzes are complete!

HW: Finish the chapter 4 worksheet OR get a head start on your Ch.5  vocabulary


Happy Friday Honors students!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. LOTF Chapter 4 title discussion

2. LOTF Ch. 1-3 Quiz

-When you are done with your quiz, turn it into the basket with your name on it. You may work on your SETTING MAP once you are finished.

DUE: Monday