If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Would you prefer a big city or a small town, close to your family or far away, in the U.S. or another country? Why? Explain your reasons.
1. Journal
2. Discuss Latin Roots/Quiz
3. Archetypes of Mythlogy
We won't have time to watch this in class...
but you should to enrich your understanding of recurrent archetypes in mythology.
An archetype is a recurrent symbol or motif in literature, art, or mythology. Today we're going to explore some of the most common archetypes from mythology. You will be responsible for creating a Flipchart to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and creativity. It will be due next Wednesday, September 3rd.
1. Latin Roots due tomorrow (Blog Post and Worksheets). Study for Quiz.
2. Tie up loose ends (i.e. blog posts, lit. analysis sign-up, latin roots) and begin reading lit. analysis #1
3. Begin Archetypes of Myth Project. Due 9/3.
3. Begin Archetypes of Myth Project. Due 9/3.