
September 30th

1. Myth Final Part I: Multiple Choice

1. Study/Plan for Mythology Essay Final
2. Post to Lit. Analysis #1  Review by 11:59pm on 9/30 (Today!).
  • Peer Review/ Comment on < 5 Lit. Analysis blog posts.
  • Post (Comment) to Literature Analysis #2 Sign-up by 11:59 pm on Thursday (10/2).

3. Latin Words/Roots #4 due Friday, October 1oth. 
4. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm.


To Err is Human (AKA It helps when you make the file editable)

If you've been having problems posting to the Lit. Analysis #1 Review, it's because it was set to "view" not "edit" mode--human error not Google's fault. 
Thank you for pointing out my errors twice in one week, Yasmine (pronounced "J"asmine for all you out there who don't know her well :). 

Happy posting/studying!

Get your study on....

Part I: Character List

A)     Aphrodite /Venus
B) Apollo / Apollo
C)    Arachne
D)    Ares /Mars
E)     Artemis / Diana
AB) Athena / Minerva
AC) Cerberus
AD) Charon
AE) Cronus
BC) Cyclopes
BD) Daedalus
BE) Demeter / Ceres
CD) Dionysus
CE) Echo
DE)  Eros / Cupid
A) Epimetheus
B)    Eurydice
C)    Fates
D)    Furies
E)     Hadies/Pluto
AB) Homer
AC) Hephaestus/ Vulcan
AD) Hera / Juno
AE) Heracles/ Hercules
BC) Hermes /Mercury
BD) Icarus
BE) Medusa
CD)          Muses
CE) Narcissus
DE) Odysseus /Ulysses
A)    Orion
B)     Orpheus
C)     Pandora
D)    Persephone
E)     Perseus
AB)  Poseidon/Neptune
AC) Prometheus
AD) Psyche
AE) Quetzalcoatl
BC) Romulus & Remus
BD) Rhea
BE) Satyr
CD) Sirens
CE) Tetzcatlipoca
DE) Zeus /Jupiter, Jove
Part II: Hero's Journey

September 29th

Turn in Literature Analysis #1 Data Sheet
JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: NONE]

1. No Journal
2. Business
3. Latin Words/Roots #4
4. Discuss Final 
5. Finish "Daedalus and Icarus"

1. Study for Mythology Final
2. Post to Lit. Analysis #1  Review by 11:59pm on 9/30.
  • Peer Review/ Comment on < 5 Lit. Analysis blog posts.
  • Post (Comment) to Literature Analysis #2 Sign-up by 11:59 pm on 10/2.

3. Latin Words/Roots #4 due Friday, October 1oth. 
4. Lit. Analysis #2 due November 2nd by 11:59pm.

Words from Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun
  2. capit, capt
  3. carn(i)
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess
Word List
  1. accession
  2. bona fide
  3. bonanza
  4. bounteous
  5. capitulation
  6. carnage
  7. carnivorous
  8. incarnate
  9. intercede
  10. precedent
  11. recapitulation
  12. reincarnation
Reminder: Work packet in Course Documents. Post to your blog, add definitions and sentences for each word. Due 10/10 my loves.


September 26th

1. Know Your Roots (aka Study Time)
2. Latin Roots and Words Quiz #3
3. Discuss Lit. Analysis Post

Complete Data Sheet as you finish your novel. Data Sheet will be turned in Monday, 9/29
Lit. Analysis #1 Blog Post due 9/28 by 11:59pm


September 25th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Ostini Talking at You" by Mr. Ostini]

1. Journal
2. Hero's Journey Applied: Cupid and Psyche
3. "Daedalus and Icarus"
4. Continue Student Conferences

1. Reminder, Myth blog post due yesterday (9/24). 
Please post link to Myth Final Study Session if you haven't
2. Latin Roots #3 due Friday, 9/26
3. Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/28 by 11:59pm


The Cave You Fear to Enter (September 24th)

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "The Cave" by Mumford & Sons; "The Funeral" by Band of Horses]

Reflect on Campbell's quote. Do you find it ridiculous/absurd to apply the hero's journey formula to your own life? What would be something that represents "the cave" in your current life situation? Explain.

1. Journal

2. Hero's Journey Applied: Orpheus and Eurydice
3. Continue Student Conferences

1. Reminder, Myth blog post due today (9/24) by 11:59 pm. 
Please post link to Myth Final Study Session
2. Latin Roots #3 due Friday, 9/26
3. Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/28 by 11:59pm


September 23rd

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson; "Moon Dreams" by Miles Davis; "La Traviata-Prelude" by Verdi]

Former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden observed, "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."  Briefly describe your character and your reputation.  What similarities & differences do you see between the two?

1. Journal

2. Hero's Journey Applied: Orpheus and Eurydice
3. Student Conferences

1. Reminder, Myth blog post due Wednesday, 9/24, by 11:59 pm. 
Please post link to Myth Final Study Session
2. Latin Roots #3 due Friday, 9/26
3. Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/28 by 11:59pm


September 22

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Changes" by David Bowie and "Changes" by Seu Jorge]

Figure out your new seat. Introduce yourself to your partner. Conduct the following interview and take notes for your journal today:

  • What is your full name?
  • Who is your favorite superhero and why?
  • What is your favorite sport/ team/ athlete? Why?
  • What is something that other people say or do that, for some reason, really annoys you?  (For example, I hate it when people talk on their phone or text while it is their turn at the cash register).
  • What is one food that you find totally disgusting and why?

1. Seats/Journal
2. Hero's Journey

There are many, many resources with information about Joseph Campbell and the monomyth (hero's journey) We'll be working with this on and off throughout the year, so if you find a resource worth consulting please include it (with link) in a comment to this post.  Thanks!
1. Reminder, Myth blog post due 9/24 by 11:59 pm. Please post link to Myth Final Study Session
2. Latin Roots #3 due Friday, 9/26
3. Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/28 by 11:59pm


September 19th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Hello, I Love You" and "Love Her Madly" by The Doors]

Reflect on your group project. 
How was your group's chemistry (how did you work/not work well together?)? What did you learn from working in a group? How do you think you did? What grade do you expect to receive? What grade do you think you earned?

1. Journal
2. Myth Presentations (finish?)

3. "Zeus"

1. Myth Blog Post (cement your learning and give your peers further access to your hard work by posting):

  • Main Characters: give names and brief description of physical appearance and personality.  Indicate whether they are god/goddess or human.
  • Describe the setting(s).
  • What was the main plot of the story? (summary of action)
  • Describe the main conflict.
  • What does this myth attempt to explain? (natural phenomenon, human flaw, origin of destruction of something) 
  • DUE 9/24 by 11:59pm

2. Latin Roots #3 due 9/26
3. Yo! You heard?  Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/28 by 11:59pm


September 18th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: whatever happens to be streaming from Spotify]

1. No Journal
2. Myth Presentations (finish?)

3. Self Evaluation Discussion

4. "Zeus"

1. Self Evaluation due tonight by 11:55 pm

2. Latin Roots #3 due 9/26
3. Yo! You heard?  Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/29


September 17th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: whatever happens to be streaming from Spotify]

1. No Journal
2. Myth Presentations (continue)

3. Self Evaluation

1. Self Evaluation due tomorrow (Thursday) 9/18 by 11:55 pm

2. Latin Roots #3 due 9/26
3. Reminder: Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/29


Know Thyself

"‘Know Thyself’ was written on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Legend tells that the seven sages of ancient Greece, philosophers, statesmen and law-givers who laid the foundation for western culture, gathered in Delphi to inscribed ‘know thyself’ at the entry to its sacred oracle. The adage subsequently became a touch-stone for western philosophers, and extended its reach as the influence of Greek philosophy expanded" (Braverman). --complete resources available at thyselfknow.com)

September 16th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Why Can't We Be Friends" by War ; "Twenty Questions" by Beastie Boys]

Do you think technology (such as cell phones and portable music players) brings people closer together? If three people are together but two are listening to headphones and the third is on the phone, how is this different than being alone? Explain your answer.

1. Journal
2. Myth Presentations (begin)

3. Self Evaluation

1. Self Evaluation due Thursday, 9/18 by 11:55 pm

2. Latin Roots #3 due 9/26
3. Reminder: Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/29


September 15th

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Time" by Pink Floyd; "Time" by The Alan Parsons Project]

What is your view of the future? What do you think the world and/or your life will be like in 5 years? 20? 50?

1. Journal
2. Latin Roots #3
3. Myth Project work time

1. Myth Presentations begin tomorrow

2. Latin Roots #3 due 9/26
3. Reminder: Lit. Analysis #1 due 9/29


Words from Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it)
  2. avi
  3. bell(i)
  4. ben(e)
Word List
  1. antebellum
  2. audit
  3. auditory
  4. avian
  5. aviary
  6. avionics
  7. bellicose
  8. belligerency
  9. benefactor
  10. beneficiary
  11. benign
  12. inaudible


Latin Roots Quiz #2

  1. Turn in your Latin Roots practice pages and study
  2. Quiz #2
  3. Discuss Myth Presentations/Retellings. We will begin our presentations on Tuesday.
  • Be prepared to discuss your progress and do a self-evaluation of your learning next week
  • Literature Analysis #1 due Monday, September 29th


September 11th

Liberty and the World Trade Center. 
Original 1983 print by New York Times photographer Fred Conrad.
      On that day — the Sept. 11 that requires no year — the sun set on crushed buildings in a reimagined world. It set on a recontoured skyline and a haunted city. The equations of life no longer worked. That’s the way it seemed.

      A decade now since the tall towers fell in New York and the Pentagon was gashed open and a diverted plane dropped into a field near Shanksville, Pa., people know where they were when they heard the unheard-of.

- From N.R. Kleinfield’s essay in “The Reckoning,” a special Times section that commemorated the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.

JOURNAL: What do you know about the events of Sept. 11, 2001? What are the most important changes, in your life and in the world, in the last 13 years? Do you feel life for Americans has changed drastically? 

1. Journal
2. Checking for understanding
3. Myth Presentation Overview
4. Here are the directions

1. Post your favorite journal to your blog
2. Trolling blogs due today, September 11 by midnight
3. Latin Latin Latin Roots Roots Roots (Blog Post and Worksheets) by Friday
4. Schedule your work so as to finish Lit. Analysis #1 by Friday, September 26