
Back to school night is this Thursday. Get here whenever you can. Bring whoever you want. Offer them the benefit of what you know and find a way to learn from them too. Share new ideas about technology and how you can use it to get ahead in life.

Here is the program:
1. Learner-led conference (see below)
2. Periodic "Intro to Ostini's Class" presentations

Here is the process:
1. Think about these questions and your answers to them;
2. Bring an interested adult to Hack to School Night;
3. Have them ask you these questions, be suitably brilliant in your replies, and demand that they take notes so that you know they're paying attention;
4. Turn in their notes to me, get your extra credit, listen to me brag about you briefly;
5. Go home and finish your homework.

Here are the questions for you to complete prior to showing up:


Student-led Conference Script 
Mr. Ostini's Classes
1. What is the purpose of this class?

2. Describe something interesting that you have learned, read and or written in class.

3. What is the easiest/hardest/most interesting work you have done so far?

4. What is your goal for the next grading period? For the semester? For the year?

5. What is a blog and how are you using it?

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