
Good morning English II students!!

Here is the agenda for today:

1. Journal (on a separate piece of paper) respond to the following:

In your opinion, what are the downfalls of having too much technology? What are some NEGATIVE effects this has had on your generation? What would be hardest about going without technology for a week? BE PREPARED TO SHARE.

2. SDS Text #2: "Is Google Making us Stupid?"

You will need:

-text analysis organizers

In PARTNERS, you will read the next article in the packet, write your names on the second page of the packet.

There are TWO sources for this article, listed at the bottom of each section. 

The first section discusses how Google/Internet do make us stupid, the second section discusses how it does not make us stupid.

For the organizer, the "Yes" section = why we SHOULD participate in SDS week. The "No" section= why we SHOULD NOT participate in SDS week.

Pay careful attention to what claims each author is making.

You have the remainder of the class period to work on this.

HW: If you did not finish the organizer in class, finish it for HW and I will check it tomorrow. 

Test Make Ups:

-Renzo and Crystal- you need to make up your Latin Roots midterm this week!

-Sienna and Jose G- see me for a text analysis packet

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